September 8, 2015

Photo Update from Michael Clements 9/8

Returning from our long Labor Day weekend, we are greeted by new photos from Michael Clements, documenting the construction and development from this past week. 

One of the biggest events for us here at the temporary library was the removal of the old elevator shaft: a very noisy project that involved a lot of sawing through concrete and tossing the cut concrete blocks into a shovel below! (If you weren't aware, the temporary library circulation desk is situated right next to the former elevator shaft.)

Another of the more noticeable changes for staff members is that we've had both temporary air conditioners and temporary heaters installed throughout the condensed library space. Though it may take a bit of getting used to, we hope to be able to maintain comfortable temperatures for our staff and students during the coming months.

Here is a glimpse into some of the other major changes that have occurred in the past week:

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