June 28, 2016

Back to the Stacks

And so it continues! 

The library staff has been hard at work this past week unpacking boxes and re-shelving the books within. Though it's slow-going and at times challenging, we are happy to have finished shelving our entire Reference and Oversize book collections! When it comes to the circulating non-fiction, we are in the 300s, carefully sorting books in their correct order on carts before putting them on the shelves.

Empty boxes are available for purchase in BH 186! Please speak with Dottie Los if you are interested.

June 13, 2016

Filling Shelves

Thus begins the library collection's move into the Heaton Family Learning Commons! Box by box, cart by cart, shelf by shelf: We are moving our books out of storage and back into the library space! It is sure to be a long and challenging journey, but each box of books brings us one step closer to being a fully functional library again!

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As of today, the library staff will begin working to assemble shelves and return our book collection to the new library space. As you can see from the photos below, there is quite a bit of work to be done in that regard! With regards to the renovation, however, things are really winding down. With the outside walks now paved, the Heaton Learning Commons is looking quite welcoming indeed. 

June 6, 2016

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June began with yet another week of steady renovation progress. It is truly only a matter of time now (and not much of it!) before the library staff will begin the long and arduous task of moving our book collection out of storage and into the new space. Daunting though that may be, it's an encouraging thought: Soon enough, the Heaton Learning Commons will be furnished, wired, and ready for students. The finish line is finally in sight!