October 26, 2015

Photo Update from Michael Clements 10/26

This week, the library staff had several meetings to address wants and needs for furniture in the future Heaton Learning Commons. Although it is still difficult to truly envision the new space, 'furniture shopping' has given us a somewhat clearer picture of what our future offices and workspaces will look like. 

Meanwhile, construction continues while the temperature drops.

October 19, 2015

Photo Update from Michael Clements 10/19

Nothing much to report from the library this week, but work has continued as usual into the frigid temperatures. The future entryway is beginning to take real shape and it's now possible to really envision what the new entrance will look like. Otherwise the work has been predominantly "behind-the-scenes," but these pictures enlighten us a bit to the progress that's being made.

October 12, 2015

Photo Update from Michael Clements 10/12

No significant changes in the library this week, though work still continues outside! The library staff met to discuss layouts and furniture for the new space once more in the hopes of getting a solid plan in order. It is always difficult to imagine filling a space you have not yet seen, but we hope to be making the best possible choices with regards to our future offices and workspaces.

October 8, 2015

Photo Update from Michael Clements 10/8

Progress continues on the Heaton Family Learning Commons as we enter into Autumn. According to our sources, construction is moving along at a brisk and favorable pace. In anticipation of the coming cooler months, our temporary air conditioners have been removed and our temporary heaters have been put to use.