May 28, 2015

Getting Serious About This

This past Tuesday, during the pre-bid meeting in the upstairs of our soon-to-be-renovated space, the speaker addressed the crowd with the promise that "this will all be empty for when you begin working here."

So, I guess that means it's time to get serious about all of this.

Wednesday morning, with the help of the custodians and the core team, some major "emptying" occurred. Within an hour's time, most of the hard shelves that were once filled with the greater part of our collection were dismantled, labeled, and stacked for storage.

Everyone worked very hard to make the work much easier and faster. It may be premature, but the final emptying of the library seems to almost be in sight.

May 8, 2015

This is the mark I have chosen to leave...

During this process, many thoughts come to mind. There is the realization of just how long this library has been here, and just how many people have used its resources. Was this a place for solitude or for meeting friends? Was it a comfort to some, or a building that others never came to? Just what became of the former students?

Today while getting items ready for repurposing, I saw this in one of the study rooms.

Here's to all the anonymous students of the Beck Library.
 "This is the mark I have chosen to leave. It is not permanent, but a temporary symbol for someone to remember an anonymous man."

May 7, 2015

Auctioning Off Our Big Ticket Items

As we continue to empty our spaces here at the library, we've been forced to clear out quite a few large items as well as small. The question was: What do we do with all these things?

Using, a government agency liquidation and surplus sales website, we have successfully auctioned off card catalogs, chairs, electronics, and more! Currently up for auction are two tall metal bookshelves.

Like what you see? 

At a time when we are parting with so much of what used to be considered fundamental here at the library, it's always nice to know that our things are going to a good home where someone else can still get good use out of them. So to the new owners of our chairs, our sofa, our tables, our record player...

We hope you're enjoying them! Thank you for supporting us during our renovation!